Property Detail Property Location Property Market Value Property Registry Value Property Status —Please choose an option—FreeholdLeasehold Your Property is in ? —Please choose an option—Approved AreaRegularised ColonyLal DoraMunicipal AreaGram PanchayatApproved Authority PropertySociety PropertyApproved Builder Property Loan Purpose —Please choose an option—For Purchase of Plot & ConstructionFor Purchase of Built up/Ready to Move in PropertyFor Purchase of Under Construction Property [group Built-up-yc] Property Structure Complete BuildingFlatBasement [/group] # if complete Building in Yellow [group Com-bulid] Authority MAP Approved —Please choose an option—YesNo [group map-yes] Any Extra Coverage ? —Please choose an option—YesNo [/group] [group map-no] Total Plot Area As per Registry /Title Deed ______________________ Sq. ft./ Yd. Plot Area You are Purchasing ____________________________ Sq. ft./ Yd. Any Extra Coverage ? —Please choose an option—YesNo Is Property Sub divided ? —Please choose an option—YesNo Is it Mixed Used Property ? —Please choose an option—YesNo [group mup-yes] Is it ? —Please choose an option—Residential + CommercialResidential + IndustrialResidential + WarehouseOther [group mup-it-other] Please Mention [/group] Is Property Under Demolition List of Concerned Authority ? —Please choose an option—YesNoDon’t Know [/group] [/group] [/group] # iF Flat in Yellow [group Flat-YC] Authority MAP Approved —Please choose an option—YesNo [group Flat-Yc-mp-yes] Any Extra Coverage ? —Please choose an option—YesNo [/group] [group Flat-Yc-mp-no] Which Floor ? —Please choose an option—Ground FloorUpper Ground Floor1st Floor2nd Floor3rd Floor Parking Availaible ? —Please choose an option—YesNo Total Number of Flats in One Floor —Please choose an option—1234More than 4 [/group] Is it Mixed Used Property? —Please choose an option—YesNo [group Flat-mup-yes] Is it ? —Please choose an option—Residential + CommercialResidential + IndustrialResidential + WarehouseOther[/group] [group Flat-mup-other] Please Mention [/group] [/group] #if Basement Yellow Condition [group Basement]Are You Purchasing ? —Please choose an option—Standalone BasementBasement + 1st Floor Authority MAP Approved —Please choose an option—YesNo Basement Usage —Please choose an option—ResidentialCommercialWarehouse Is it Mixed Used Property ? —Please choose an option—YesNo [group B-mup-yes] Is it ? —Please choose an option—Residential + CommercialResidential + IndustrialResidential + WarehouseOther [group B-mup-yes-other] Please Mention [/group] [/group] Is Property Under Demolition List of Concerned Authority ? —Please choose an option—YesNoDon’t Know [/group] ###################Complete Yellow################### ###################Green Start##################### [group Built-up] Property Structure Complete BuildingFlatBasement [group gc-pc-cb] Any Extra Coverage ? YesNo [/group] [group If-Basement] Are You Purchasing ? —Please choose an option—Standalone BasementBasement + 1st Floor Basement Usage —Please choose an option—ResidentialCommercialWarehouse [/group] [/group] ###################Green Completed################### ###################Blue Start##################### [group SP] Builder Name Project Name [/group] Δ